Advanced Hydrology Hydraulic Geomorphology.
Innovative water resources management.

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AHYDTECH Geomorphic is a Canadian company located in Guelph, Ontario. The company is at the front of advanced and innovative technology in Fluvial Geomorphology, Coastal Engineering, Hydrology, Hydraulic Monitoring, Stormwater Management and Environmental Assessment. AHYDTECH can provide services in Field Measurement, Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling, Numerical Modeling, Coastal Engineering and Municipal Environmental Assessment. Through the application of innovative science and fluvial geomorphic principles, AHYDTECH Geomorphic can provide the highest quality of services to all clients.



Buells & Butlers


© Ahydtech Geomorphic LTD.



WSE Regional Zoomed

© Ahydtech Geomorphic LTD.

Wasaga Beach

Wasaga Beach

100 Yr Return Period Flood

© Ahydtech Geomorphic LTD.

Upper Arden

Upper Arden


© Ahydtech Geomorphic LTD.




© Ahydtech Geomorphic LTD.

La Vase

La Vase

2D Model

© Ahydtech Geomorphic LTD.




© Ahydtech Geomorphic LTD.

Meltzer Creek

Meltzer Creek


© Ahydtech Geomorphic LTD.



Full Mesh

© Ahydtech Geomorphic LTD.

Coastal Engineering

Coastal Engineering is the branch of civil engineering, which involves the processes ongoing at the shoreline, design and construction within the coastal zone. The hydrodynamic impacts of waves, wind-waves, tides, storm surge and tsunamis on the shoreline and near coastal zone are integral parts of the coastal engineering study. AHYDTECH senior coastal engineer has experience in Shoreline Management, Permit and Approval from the regulating agencies, determination of Erosion and Flooding Hazard Limits, Shoreline Erosion Protection, preparation of Shoreline Structure Inventory, design of Seawall, Breakwall, Revetment and Groin, Marina Structure, and the implementation of waterfront projects including 2D and 3D hydrodynamic and sediment transport modelling using XBEACH, ADCIRC Vamp; TUFLOW software.

Seawall, Breaking Wall & Revetment Design

Coastal barriers offer improved wave absorption and deflection, for shoreline management and to protect public and private property from erosion and scour. AHYDTECH is experienced creating conceptual and detailed design of shoreline projects. Our staff collects topographic and bathymetry site data with RTK/GPS and ECO sounder technologies, to ensure the best possible design. We prepare Seawall, Breaking Wall and Revetment design for shoreline erosion protection. Groin design can offer additional wave dispersion to the shoreline structures. Using shoreline structural condition assessment, AHYDTECH will identify elements which can safely be repaired or reused to reduce building costs. Construction supervision and administration will be provided. The company is experienced with consulting and achieving approval and permitting from MNR and Conservation Authorities.

Dynamic Beach Analysis

Computer modelling combine with site survey and analysis allow for understanding of the progression of natural coastline. AHYDTECH offers 2D and 3D hydrodynamic and sediment transport modelling using XBEACH, ADCIRC & TUFLOW software, longshore and cross-shore sediment transport analysis and sampling. Tailored solutions provide the best value for your projects. Next steps can be planned such as marsh restoration, and bio- engineered breakwaters. AHYDTECH can conduct Bathymetry studies to assess the coastline and improve model accuracy. Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) automated bathymetry allows for access to shallow depths, and GPS guidance plans the best possible route.

Erosion & Flooding Hazard Delineation

When building of a new or an extension of coastal property, it is necessary to assess erosion and flooding potential. Regulating Agency (Conservation Authority) requires erosion and flooding hazard lines be delineated to ensure safety of life and property. The MNRF needs yearly erosion rates and slope stability to be accounted for in the delineation. Wave uprush prediction is conducted to assess the site specific flood potential. AHYDTECH staff conduct topographic and geomorphic assessment to ensure accurate delineation of the hazard limits. Any planned extension cannot be built beyond this line, it is best to have a line created before having building plans drawn.

Coastal Engineering Analysis

The Coastal Engineering Analysis includes shoreline characterization, structural assessment, inventory preparation, wind-wave analysis and wave uprush calculation. AHYDTECH uses Wave Information Study (WIS), maintained by the US Army Core of Engineers (USACE), high-quality coastal wind-wave data in the Great Lakes. AHYDTECH uses WIS data, and 2D and 3D hydrodynamic and sediment transport modelling software (XBEACH, ADCIRC & TUFLOW) for coastal engineering analysis, shoreline structure design, wave uprush analysis and dynamic beach assessment. The results inform good design practices and inform professional recommendations.

Fluvial Geomorphology

AHYDTECH Geomorphic staff has highly qualified expertise in fluvial geomorphology. The company is dedicated to providing services on critical issues of fluvial processes in natural environments. AHYDTECH staff have experience in the following fluvial geomorphology methods:

Natural Channel Design-Channel Restoration

Natural Channel Design (NCD) involves techniques to restore or replicate fluvial geomorphic forms, functions and processes of a stream channel through field geomorphic assessment, conceptual design and detail design. NCD is the application of fluvial geomorphology to design and construct stable channels that do not aggrade or degrade over time. This will maximize stream functions given site constraints, which supports aquatic and riparian ecosystems of composition and quality. NCD uses hydrology, hydraulic and fluvial geomorphic responses, bankfull and/or reference reach parameters to determine design parameters through utilizing complex and inter-related processes of aquatic and riparian ecosystem. The AHYDTECH staff possesses a broad knowledge and extensive experience in conceptual and detail design of natural channel system.

Meaner Belt Width & Hazard Limit

Rivers and streams have natural fluvial processes to migrate in lateral and longitudinal directions. The Meander Belt Width Assessment is a technique for planning and determining hazard limits for managing the risk of life and property due to river erosion and migration. The meander belt assessment includes reach delineation, planform determination and meandering geometry assessment. This technique is applied in Subwatershed Studies, SWM Development Limit studies, Watercourse Re-naturalization, Bridge/Culvert Replacement and Installation and Municipal Infrastructure Installation applications. If historic aerial photographs are available, the 100-year migration rate is determined to estimate the erosion setback. AHYDTECH has extensive experience in Mender Belt width and Erosion Hazard Limit Assessment in the southern Ontario.

Channel Restoration

The channel restoration process applies channel stability, dimensions, patterns, profile and biological and aquatic considerations to restore a stream, which will provide stable and natural fluvial process in the stream. Geomorphological, hydraulic and ecological degraded streams can all have an appropriate management solution through stream restoration. Restoration project types include: Instream Habitat Enhancement, Reduction of Nutrient and Sediment Load, Channel Stabilization, Naturalization of Degraded Urban Stream, Remediation of Downstream Flooding, Improve Aesthetic and Recreation Facility.

Field Assessment & Monitoring

Field geomorphic survey and assessment are conducted to classify existing stream type and to delineate reaches based on physical parameters such as landform, land use, geological features, floodplain, channel dimensions, sediment sizes, bed forms, and slope. Rapid field assessments (RGA, RSAT) are qualitative techniques based on the presence and/or the absence of key indicators of channel instability, and ecological health and function of a stream. These techniques are applied to understand the existing geomorphic conditions and to do detail geomorphic assessment. Field data collection also includes topographic survey, stream erosion measurement and flow monitoring. AHYDTECH employees possess experience in stream field data collection including topographic survey, rapid assessment, erosion measurement and flow monitoring.

Water Resources Engineering

As a leading water resources engineering firm, AHYDTECH water resources engineers have conducted hydrologic, hydraulic and water quality analysis for planning, design, and construction management services of water resources projects. AHYDTECH has the multi-disciplinary expertise, experience, knowledge, and technical resources to provide environmentally responsible solutions that satisfy regulating agencies’ and our clients’ needs and successfully address stakeholder interests and regulatory requirements. We apply sound scientific and engineering analysis, and innovative technology to provide technical solutions that are sustainable and robust. Our water resources consulting services include:

Stormwater Management for Land Development
Watershed & Subwatershed Study
Hydrologic & Water Budget Analysis
Hydraulic Analysis & Floodplain Mapping